2. Keeping Healthy

To be healthy we must develope a healthy diet. Not all foods are the same. Some are very good for you, so you can have more of the.  But others are not that healthy, so you must control the amout you intake. 
Depending of their main components we can group them into
CARBOHYDRATES: Cereals, bread, pasta, starchy vegetables (Starchy vegetables?) and sugars. They help us to be active and they give us energy. Look at this picture:

PROTEINS: Lentils, some types of beans, meat, eggs, chicken, fish, nuts and dairy products. 
They are important for building all parts of the body, including muscles and bones. We need them to grow, and to replace or repair worn out parts. Look at this picture:

FATS: These are found in diary foods, some meats, margarine, and oil. They are important to store (reserve or put away for future use) energy. If you take too many, if you abuse, they can make you overweight and unhealthy. Look at this picture:
FIBRE AND VITAMINS: We get these from cereals, fruit and vegetables. We should eat plenty of these everyday. Lack of fibre will cause problems in the digestive system (constipation) and heart. Vitamins are substances that are important for many different processes of the body:
Vitamin D for your bones.
Vitamin A for good vision.
Vitamin C is good when you cut yourself...Etc

Vitamin C and SCURVY
Vitamin C is found in some fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges.
During the XVIth and XVIIth centuries (let´s say from 1500 to 1800) lots of sailors developed an illness called scurvy. It consisted of:
·Swollen body causing painful movements
·Split and bleeding gums .  
·Swollen tongue and throat.
·Death caused by the difficulty in eating and drinking.
The reason was that sea journeys were very long. Sailors would spend weeks and weeks on the ship without any contact with land. Electricity had not yet been discovered, so storing food in a fridge for a long time (like we do today) was not possible. A sailors diet consisted mostly of dry biscuits, salty meat and water, but very little amounts of fruit.
 Check this video (click "show more" for the lyrics)
To keep a healthy diet it is very important for our muscles to work hard. Ask yourself: 
-Have I made my muscles work hard in the past 3 days?
Why is exercise so important?
When we exercise energetically we feel hotter and breathe faster. Our body is in action and many processes are taking place. Our muscles burn sugars, and ask for more. More oxygen is needed for burning of calories. Blood carries the oxygen and sugars to all the parts of the body, especially muscles. More energy is needed, more oxygen is needed so the heart beats faster.
All these processes re-new our body, making us stronger, helping us think better, and making us feel better.  
On the other side, what happens if you don´t exercise: Here are two words that you can think about:
Overweight, (click the play button and  listen while you read)

The Heart
The heart is a muscle that pumps blood around the body.
The heart and the lungs are protected by the ribs.
The muscle in the walls or your heart contracts regularly.
As your heart contracts it pumps blood around your body and to your lungs.

The heart in the the middle of the chest, but as the left side of the heart is bigger than the right, it feels as though your heart in on the left.
The heart has 4 chambers (rooms): a right and left atrium,  and a right and left ventricle.
Your heart is about the size of a clenched fist.

The right-hand side of your heart is separated from the left-hand side.
The right-hand side receives blood that carbon dioxide (CO2) from your body and pumps it to your lungs so it can be exhaled (the toxic gas is expelled). 
The left-hand side of your heart receives blood from the lungs, blood with clean oxygen (O2). From there it is sent to all the corners of your body. 
Blood leaves the heart in "thick walled pipes" called arteries.
Blood returns to the heart through "thin walled pipes" called veins. 
We call both arteries and veins blood vessels.

Each beat of our heart can be felt in some parts of our body (wrist, neck). This is called pulse. 
An average pulse in resting position is around 70 beats per minute. 
In resting position it takes our body 6 seconds to send the blood from our heart to the brain and back!!!

The heart: 
What affects health negatively?

We have seen that we need to have a healthy diet and do exercise in order to have a healthy body. It is now necessary to talk about the other factors that affect our health in a negative way.

·Dirty air from cars, factories (pollution) that we breathe.  
Have you heard about "La Boina de Madrid"? Maybe you can discuss this article with your parents. What is important for you to know is that every time with use petrol (in our cars, in trains, aeroplanes, in factories to make new products) we create gases. These gases go up into the atmosphere and they spread. This is what we call POLLUTION. This gases are toxic.

·Virus and bacteria (you will study this in Year 6) that enter through breath and food. 
Every winter we fall ill. coughs, sneezes, tummy aches, diarrhoea.... We have probably heard our parents or doctors say "It´s a virus," or "It´s an infection caused by a bacteria."  Mummy or daddy go to the chemist and buy some Dalsy, Apiretal, Amoxicilina.
I am sure this situation is familiar. Well, these illnesses are caused by tiny microscopical creatures that are floating all around us. We call them micro-organisms or germs. You will study them in Y6.

·Drugs and medicines: tobacco smoke, alcohol, caffeine, theanine...
Smoking consists of burning tobacco leafs and breathing the smoke produced. When this happens, some of the substances go into your blood, some stay in your lungs.
The three main substances produced are carbon monoxide, nicotine and tar. 
·Carbon monoxide: takes the place of the oxygen, so heart and lungs are forced to work harder.
·Nicotine: it´s a drug that makes the heart beat faster. It harms the heart, the blood vessels (arteries and veins) and the nervous system. Nicotine also makes teeth and fingers yellow. It is a very addictive drug, so once the body gets used to it, it needs to have it all the time (this means that the smoker finds it very difficult to quit smoking.)
·Tar is black and sticky. It sticks to the walls of the lungs making it harder for oxygen to enter the blood. It also is responsible for making smokers cough.    
Alcohol is found in many drinks. When fruit or cereals are fermented the sugar transforms into alcohol. Alcohol can be very attractive for teenagers because it creates feelings of silly happiness, and makes them feel important. On the long run, it hurts your liver, parts of the brain, and can destroy your family life.
· Caffeine or theanine are substances found in common everyday drinks. They make the heart beat faster, and make people feel less sleepy.
·We find medicines in pharmacies and similar shops. They have been made to help us cure from different illnesses. They must be used under medical supervision, and you should always read the instructions carefully before using them. Of course, children should never take them without an adult.
·Maybe you have heard about illegal drugs being sold in the streets. These are not used to cure. If you want to know more about this, ask your parents. We are not studying this in Y5.       


In summer we all love to go to the beach. Some of us like to sunbathe, that is to lay sleepy under the sun. The reason is that the sun light helps our body produce vitamin D which we need for healthy bones and teeth. Sunbathing has also positive effects on our feelings, making us feel happy.
On the other side, too much sun can burn our skin, make our skin grow old, or even cause a very serious disease called skin cancer.   