Food Chains

In this lesson we learn how the differnrent species in nature get their energy, how they depend on each other to survive, and how they need to adapt to the world around them.

If we observe any habitat around us we will see that there are a lot of green creatures that we call plants. This is true in our own habitat, the one we found in our part of the world. If you try other habitats (the poles, the dessert, the moon) what I have just said is wrong. 
Plants are living things, and just because they don´t have brain (nervous system) it doesn´t mean they are less alive that us, animals.
Plants have different parts. and each have an important function Its not only important to know the names of the different parts, but also what they are for.

 Parts of Plant


The plant will take in

-Nutrients from the soil. Little particles created when organic materials rot. So when a dead plant or animal rots, it decomposes into little particles that are yummy for the plant. They enter through the roots.
-Water. Plants need to drink too. Water enters through the roots, too.

-Air (Oxygen). A plant is a living creature, so, of course it breathes.  Air is also called O2

-C02 (Carbon Dioxide). It might sound  strange but a plant also needs the toxic gas that we expell when we breathe. If you put your hand in front of your mouth and breathe out, you will feel a hot gas comes out. This gas is toxic, poisonous. But we are lucky to have plants in this planet, because they will take that toxic gas from the air, use it, and then plants will BREATHE OUT CLEAN OXYGEN!!!!!

-Sunlight. Sun is very, very important for a plant. The sunbeams are collected in the green parts of the plant. Inside the green parts we have a substance called chlorophyll. This substance helps the plant in a process called photosynthesis. What is it?

Photosynthesis is the process that happens in the plants energy factories. The plants takes in water, nutrients, oxygen, that are "cooked" with the help of the sun light. Thanks to this, the plant obtains the sugars it needs (its food) and expels clean oxygen. 

But what if the plant doesn´t get enough water? Look
But what if the plant doesn´t get enough light? In the first place it will go from shiny green to PaLe YeLLoW! Poor thing. But the second effect is more surprising: it will grow taller!!!!. Tell me why on Monday, and you might get 3 house-points.

Plants start this story because they are at the beginning of the food chain. Plants create their own energy, they do not feed on other creatures (an exception are the insect "eating" plants), and that is why we call them PRODUCERS.
Plants are called PRODUCERS because they produce their own energy through photosynthesis.

The story must continue with the living organisms that get their energy (feed) on plants. We have two words here:
-CONSUMERS. Any organism that feeds on Producers.
-HERBIVORES. Any organism that feeds on Plants.
Both words are very similar, aren´t they. List of herbivores.

A food chain is forming
Producers > Consumers        or...
Plants > Herbivores

(*IMPORTANT: Note the direction on the arrow. It indicates the energy flow and must always be represented that way)

Next come the organisms that prey on other organisms, animals that get their energy from feeding on other animals. Carnivores (only eat meat) and Omnivores (can eat mostly anything eatable). This group are called Predators, and their victims are called Prey.

Producers > Consumers       or...
Plants > Herbivores > Carnivores/Omnivores
Prey > Predators

A habitat is the place that a community of living beings share. It is the place where the food chain can be observed: the forest, the garden, the river, the seashore, the desert, the rain-forest...All creatures have their position in the cycle. (Want a new clever word? click me)
All creatures have to be well adapted to their habitats.They must resist the high or low temperatures, the level of humidity, the attack of predators, they must be able to find the food they need there.

Woodlands has a great link about how different animals adapt to different habitats:
Don´t forget to click on the list of animals on the left after you read the introduction, 

It is important now to introduce a tool that scientist of all areas use in order to classify large groups. Haven´t you ever thought that it must be really difficult to know all the plants in the world? Well, this tool helps us to put the different creatures in order, grouping them by families, and will also make it possible to identify a certain specie: a Key

In the game Who Is Who you are asked to think of a person. The other players ask you questions, and you can only answer YES or NO. If the questions are chosen with intelligence, you will find Who Is Who. A first clever option is always "Is he a boy?" This question eliminates 50% of the total possibilities. A not so clever question is "Does he have a head?". Do you understand why?

The same happens with Identification Keys. The questions must be accurate. Look.

Do you want to try? Think of a reptile or an amphibian. Let´s see if this web can guess it:  Click me

Do you think you could choose the correct questions for this key:
1. Plants.
6. Keys

SUPER-SCIENCE: Ecosystem 1 and 2
Erase una vez la vida. El nacimiento.